Welcome to Craven Street Properties

"Where Wealth Meets Opportunity"

Cash Flow.,High Return.,Low Risk.,Tax Benefits.

Investment Philosophy

We acquire profitable real estate that are in locations that are growing or stable with the intent to hold indefinitely. We believe in long term relationships not only with our partners, associates, and employees, but also residents and tenants. We focus on customer service with the prospective to maximize retention.

Why invest With Us

Cash Flow

Cash Flow

One of the biggest benefits of real estate investing is cash flow. You receive passive income on a monthly/quarterly basis without having to trade your time for money.



You get to leverage our team’s operational and market expertise so you can easily diversify into more markets and asset classes without having to manage them yourself.



The beauty of cash flowing real estate is that the rental income covers the debt and expenses, meaning the tenants are helping you build equity.



Because we are value add investors in multiple strategic markets, you can benefit from forced appreciation which helps you maximize your returns.

Tax Benefits

Tax Benefits

Reduce, defer, or eliminate taxes on the profits from real estate investments. You want to keep more of what you make.



Diversify your assets across different asset types in commercial, residential and multifamily to minimize the impact of poor performing investments on your overall portfolio.

what you do



What We Do

Multifamily in Market & Location

We identify and evaluate stable markets and desirable neighborhoods throughout the United States with consistently strong historic as well as projected long-term multifamily performance.


After a comprehensive multi-month property evaluation process, we acquire assets with the potential to provide steady yield and equity growth in their first year and beyond while ensuring everything remains compliant.


As operations specialists, we consistently improve the asset by driving occupancy, increasing gross income, decreasing expenses, and maintaining or improving property grade. Having the construction company in-house allows us to control the costs and speed of all value-add rehab projects.


As a yield-focused investment firm, our goal is to increase Net Operating Income (NOI) and distributable cash flow every year. Through NOI growth, we have the ability to increase the value of your investment year over year.

Why Partner with Us?

We bring the power of group buying to the world of real estate. This collaborative approach allows our investors to participate in larger, more diverse, and potentially more lucrative opportunities than they might individually. Our team is experience in finding, managing and delivering results across the different asset classes to diversify your investments and minimize risk to your investments.

Partner With Us



Submit your application and join the Craven Street Properties LLC Investor Club
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Step 01


Our Exceptional team will take you through our onboarding process.
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Step 02


Invest in our offerings and deals that best fit your investment goals.
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Step 03


Sit back and enjoy the passive income with full knowledge you have an expert team supporting you along the way
Step 04

Want To Invest With Us?